Is It Really Lack of Motivation or Just Lack of Clarity?

No motivation? You might not be struggling with motivation issues after all. There is a high probability that you just lack clarity on what you should be doing and how to get it done.
“I just can’t get motivated.” I hear this ALL the time from my clients and women in my community.
I get requests often from people asking me to help them find ways to get motivated.
First, I have some bad news. No one…and I mean no one…can motivate you to do anything except you. Period. So, if you are looking to others for motivation, you are wasting your time.
Now for the good news. You might not be struggling with motivation issues after all. There is a high probability that you just lack clarity on what you should be doing and how to get it done.
With all that is going on right now, most of us have been 100% derailed from life as we know it. And, once you get derailed, it can be very hard to get back into action. However, once you take that first step, I think you will find that your motivation isn’t gone at all…you just weren’t sure where to even start.
Think about it. When in your life did you have a goal you were working toward that had clear steps and actions laid out to get there? Did you feel motivated?
Chances are the answer is “yes.” When you have a clear action plan mapped out to follow, your brain knows exactly what to do. You skip the whole step of churning over and over trying to figure out what to do…you can just spend your brain power getting into action.
When you are in a state of “churn”…or lack of direction, it is mentally exhausting. Whether you realize it or not, your brain is subconsciously working overtime trying to find focus and direction. It wears you down….quickly.
So, the next time you find yourself saying “I have no motivation,” I want you to ask yourself this question: What goal do I have that I am excited about?
If you have one, awesome!! You are ready to create an action plan for yourself.
If you do not have a goal, then it is time to reconnect with your vision and passions. You deserve it!
If this is something you want help with, I have great news! Head on over to the Work + Life Harmony community and join hundreds of other women on this same mission!