3 Things You Can Do Today to Stop Wasting Time

I’m going to blow your mind. Are you ready for this? Hang on. Sit down. If you are exhausted and stressed out and busy….YOU ARE WASTING TIME. I'm going to explain why...
I bet a lot of you reading this think that you NEVER waste time. You are so damn busy that the thought of having time to actually waste sounds delightful!
Consider this definition of wasting time: devotion of time to a useless activity.
Now….I’m going to blow your mind. Are you ready for this? Hang on. Sit down.
If you are exhausted and stressed out and busy….YOU ARE WASTING TIME.
Say what? How is that possible? I am literally running around doing things that HAVE to get done every day…all day long. HOW is that wasting time???
I would wager a hefty bet that a considerable amount of time you spend is not spent wisely. Here are some questions to consider:
How many times do you go to the grocery store in a week?
Have you been to a drug store or Target more than once this week?
Have you left your house to run one single errand more than once this week?
How many times a day do you check social media…not how long you are on there…but how many times a day do you pull it up?
Do you stop what you are doing to answer a text?
Do you stop what you are doing to respond to notifications on your phone?
How many PUSH notifications do you have turned on?
Wasting time doesn’t merely mean you aren’t doing something productive. Wasting time comes in all shapes and sizes…and the sneakiest one of all is around organization and time management.
WHAT IF you only went to the grocery store once a week? WHAT IF you made ONE (or even just TWO) trips to Target a month? What if you set aside 1 hour and got 4 errands all complete at once. Think about how much time you would save!
Getting control of your calendar and having a more structured and organized routine is MUCH easier than it sounds!